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Florida Consumer Energy Update from Consumer Energy Alliance

Consumer Energy Alliance of Florida released its latest Florida Consumer Energy Update. It includes an update on the Keystone XL Pipeline, EIA's latest energy report and a piece on Florida's Energy Future. The report and a link to it are below:

Florida Consumer Energy Update

In This Edition

1. Keystone XL Pipeline is in America's National Interest

2. EIA Report Points to Good News for Energy Consumers

3. Florida's Energy Future

4. CEA Annual Reports for 2013 Have Arrived

5. Join Consumer Energy Alliance Today

1. Keystone XL Pipeline is in America's Natonal Interest

An evaluation of environmental impact of the Keystone XL Pipeline again finds the pipeline’s construction and operation will have minimal impact on the environment. Michael Whatley, who has been following the Keystone XL Pipeline project for Consumer Energy Alliance, had this reaction:

"We have our answer. The Keystone XL pipeline will have minimal impact on the environment. The next step of the process will allow the public to register their approval of the project and then for the Administration to make a decision regarding the permit on the merits. KXL is exactly the infrastructure project the American people are looking for to create construction jobs and move the U.S. closer to energy security. Confidently we can now say Keystone XL is in the nation’s interest."

The next step in the permitting process is very important. The American people have been asked if they believe the pipeline is in the nation’s interest. CEA urges you to make your voice heard. Visit the Build KXL Now action page to tell Federal officials you support building the Keystone XL Pipeline and urge the President to issue a construction permit as soon as possible.

2. EIA Annual Report Points to Good News for U.S. Economy and Energy Consumers

Last month, the Energy Information Agency (EIA), an independent federal agency that collects, analyzes and disseminates impartial energy data, released its Annual Energy Outlook report for 2014, which includes energy pricing and consumption projections to 2040.

Fortunately, EIA’s report spells good news for the U.S. economy and, in turn, energy consumers. Among the report’s key findings are that ongoing advancements in technologies for crude oil and natural gas production will continue to render increases in domestic supply — reshaping the U.S. energy economy and reducing the nation’s “net dependence on imported oil.”

Here’s a breakdown of the EIA’s key findings and their implications on the economy and energy consumers:

Domestic production of oil and natural gas will continue to grow. This is a welcome prediction for the U.S. energy economy, as more domestic resources have become available for consumers to use here at home.Increased production makes it possible for the U.S. to decrease its net dependence on foreign sources of energy, keep investment dollars at home, and support domestic job growth in the oil and gas industries. For energy consumers, this increased domestic production translates directly into greater supplies of affordable and stable energy – whether it is cheaper prices at the pump, more affordable prices for home heating in the winter or reduced electricity prices in consumers’ monthly utility bills.

According to the EIA report, U.S. crude oil production is expected to “increase sharply” and will approach a record by 2016 — reaching its highest level in 46 years as rising output from shale formations boosts domestic supplies, thereby diminishing the nation’s need to import foreign oil.

Low natural gas prices boost natural gas-intensive industries. This is a positive sign for the manufacturing sector of the economy, which continues to pull its weight in speeding the nation’s economic recovery and already supports approximately 17 million jobs in the U.S. Domestic output will grow annually by about 800,000 barrels a day and will reach 9.5 million barrels in 2016, nearly matching the record level produced in 1970, according to the report. In addition, natural gas production is projected to grow steadily, with a 56% increase between 2012 and 2040, when production reaches 37.6 trillion cubic feet (Tcf).

In fact, EIA predicts that industrial natural gas consumption is projected to grow by 22 percent between 2012 and 2025. According to the Agency, bulk chemicals and metals-based durables account for much of the increased growth in industrial shipments. Industrial shipments of bulk chemicals, which benefit from an increased supply of natural gas liquids, are projected to grow by 3.4% per year from 2012 to 2025.

As the voice of the energy consumer, Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is encouraged by the EIA’s Annual Energy Outlook, and we look forward reviewing to the full report in spring 2014. We will continue to post on various energy trends and news, so be sure to visit The Energy Voice often for updates and additional information.In the meantime, please feel free to visit our consumers page for tips on staying warm and saving energy costs this winter.

3. Florida's Energy Future: Op-Ed Published by CEA-Florida

There’s good news on the horizon for Floridians from the Gold Coast to the Big Bend and beyond. A recent report by the Florida Chamber of Commerce showed the Sunshine State is poised for growth in workforce, innovation and economic activity in the years ahead. These positive forecasts build on the more than $30 billion in economic activity and over 130,000 new jobs created just lasted year. This is a welcome development for those of us who call the Sunshine State home as well as the over 10 million individuals the University of Florida predicts will relocate here in the coming decades.

Of course, while this expected economic growth is good news, it’s worth noting it’s not guaranteed. Our state has the 5th best tax climate for business and the most favorable tax climate for individuals in the nation which are both great for consumers. However, as we continue to shift our energy reliance toward natural gas, Florida’s business community and consumers can be negatively affected if we do not have the right policies in place to protect the benefits that our current energy situation is providing to our country.

Energy is a key ingredient in everything we do as a state, and we need to promote policies that support expanded responsible development of American resources and in particular those that are here in Florida. For the entire story, visit

4. CEA Annual Reports for 2013 Have Arrived

All CEA Members should have been mailed an Annual Report. Please let us know ff you are interested in receiving an additional copy or would like more information about Consumer Energy Alliance, please contact Kevin Doyle at

5. Join Consumer Energy Alliance Today

The Consumer Energy Alliance is a leading organization advocating for a better understanding of America’s energy security. CEA-Florida supports the improved utilization, conservation and diversification of all domestic e nergy resources, from oil and gas to alternative energy, while recognizing that increased domestic oil and gas production must be the immediate goal until economically viable alternatives are available. If you agree but are not yet a member of CEA-Florida, join now by contacting Executive Director Kevin Doyle at If you are a member, tell a like-minded friend.

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